Deadline for NCF 9 extended until Monday 9 Sep due to technical issues

September 03, 2019

Deadline for NCF 9 extended until Monday 9 Sep due to technical issues

Due to technical issues, the deadline for the Nordic Climate Facility's 9th call for proposals (NCF 9) has been extended until Monday 9 September 2019 at 14:00 CEST. The technical issues were causing problems accessing the Nordic Climate Facility online application system last night and earlier today.

Some of the log in and registration links were severed while others were still functional, which prevented access to the application portal for a great number of people. These issues should now be fixed and the application system should be functional.

Applicants who have used a browser bookmark for directly accessing their application, please note that it will no longer work. Instead, the following link should always be used for signing in to the system:

Due to the proximity to the application deadline and the duration of the problem, the application deadline has been extended to Monday 9 September 2019 at 14.00 Central European Summer time. No individual extensions will be approved beyond this date and time.

The Nordic Climate Facility apologises for the inconvenience.

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