Our projects> Indigenous Forest Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Northern La Paz, Bolivia

Indigenous Forest Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Northern La Paz, Bolivia

Call 6
Time consumed
Start: 08-Feb-17 End: 31-Oct-19
Lead Nordic partner
Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology (NORDECO)
Country of Lead Nordic partner
Local partner(s)
Fundación Teko Kavi
Other partner(s)
Wildlife Conservation Society
NCF grant size
Total project cost
Agroforestry, Branding/marketing support, Non-timber forest products
Country of implementation:
Open in goole maps


This project aims to help indigenous families and farmers diversify their incomes and protect forest ecosystem services. This will be obtained through integrated and sustainable forest management projects related to cacao, coffee, jatata palms and essential oils.

The project is a part of WCS and TEKO-KAVI’s ongoing efforts to develop local climate change mitigation and adaptation options through protection of forests and biodiversity and strengthening of...


•183 hectares of coffee agroforestry systems established or recovered, and under management
•46,374 CO2e-t equivalent avoided emissions
•152,672 CO2e-t absorbed in carbon sink
•87 indigenous coffee producers and their families increase their productivity and income by 30% (baseline 211 kg/ha)
•40 families from Carmen del Emero community harvest wild cacao under a sustainable management plan
•2,200 hectares of rainforest with wild cacao groves under improved management
•2,500 hectares of riparian...


Objective: 183 hectares of coffee agroforestry systems established or recovered, and under management
Result: 366.46 hectares of agroforestry systems established or recovered, and under management

Objective: 46,374 CO2e-t equivalent avoided emissions, amended to 203,328 CO2-e-t equivalent avoided emissions
Result: 361,652 CO2e-t equivalent avoided emissions

Objective: 152,672 CO2e-t absorbed in carbon sink, amended to 87,596 CO2e-t equivalent
Result: 99,878 CO2e-t equivalent absorbed in carbon sinks

Objective: 87 indigenous coffee producers and their...

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